Government Politics

About a year ago, I realized that there were some things that needed to change with my local city. I was really frustrated with some of the changes that people were talking about making, so I started going through and thinking carefully about what to do. I realized that since there was an upcoming election, I could run for office and potentially make a big difference. I started getting involved and thinking carefully about what to do, and it made a big difference. Even though I didn't win, I felt like making a blog about government and politics could help people to get involved with the issues.

Government Politics

Helpful Tips For Supporting Congressional Candidates

5 March 2020
Government & Politics, Blog

Members of the House of Representatives and the Senate have very important jobs. You might have your preferences about who is best able to do the job, and you might want to support those candidates as much as you can. You might not be sure of how to support congressional candidates, but you can start by following these tips. Donate to Their Campaigns First of all, you should know that you don't actually have to donate money to congressional candidates in order to support them.
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How To Show Your Support For Someone You Think Is Innocent Of Murder Charges

30 April 2019
 Categories: Government & Politics, Blog

Most people do not think twice about showing support for someone who is accused of a crime the person did not commit. However, if the courts think that a person is guilty of something awful, it becomes more difficult to hold the personal stance that you think that person is innocent. If you really want to support him/her, there are lots of other things you can do. For example, if you want to support Clint Lorance and the group of people who think he is innocent of murder charges supposedly committed in the line of duty, here is what you can do.
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3 Options For Getting Water To Your Rural Cabin

6 September 2017
 Categories: Government & Politics, Blog

Having a rural cabin far away from civilization can be a wonderful thing, whether you choose it as a getaway or if you're planning on living there full-time. There are tons of benefits of rural living, but there is one disadvantage: Many rural places are not really hooked up for utilities like water. This is unfortunate, since water is a necessity whether you're living there or just visiting. However, you do have options for getting water to your cabin.
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Responsibilities In Your New Trustee Position

12 August 2017
 Categories: Government & Politics, Blog

Becoming a trustee overseeing many of your school's activities and dealings can be a position you sought out of dedication to your particularly university or college. Of course, you want to do a great job and get re-elected, but in order to do that, you need to think seriously about your responsibilities in your new position and how best to carry them out. Attention to the three issues in particularly can prepare and allow you to do the kind of job you'll be very proud and satisfied with.
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About Me
Getting Involved With Government

About a year ago, I realized that there were some things that needed to change with my local city. I was really frustrated with some of the changes that people were talking about making, so I started going through and thinking carefully about what to do. I realized that since there was an upcoming election, I could run for office and potentially make a big difference. I started getting involved and thinking carefully about what to do, and it made a big difference. Even though I didn't win, I felt like making a blog about government and politics could help people to get involved with the issues.
